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iDrawlix 2k19


iDrawlix 2k19 comes on the Mac App Store as freemium but some extended features are not included, such as: i) a sewer network with more than three branches; ii) a catalog with more than three circular cross-sections; iii) saving or opening of: iii.i) a project file or iii.ii) a catalog file of cross-sections; iv) importing / exporting of some data; v) printing.

Starting with the 2k19 edition, you can enjoy the full capabilities of iDrawlix, within just two different types of In App Purchase Subscriptions: Monthly and Annual.


You can choose the Monthly auto-renewable Subscription or the Annual auto-renewable Subscription. 

The Annual Subscription is more cost effective. The Monthly Subscription is for those who want to benefit from the huge capabilities of iDrawlix® 2k19 for a shorter period.

Both the In App Purchase Subscriptions of iDrawlix® 2k19 correspond to the L3 - LARGE CUBE PACK capabilities of iDrawlix® 2k18.

iDrawlix® 2k19 can also export the Planimetric Layout of Your Sewer Network for iDrawlix® Mobile Maps, the ultimate APP of the iDrawlix® family for iPhone and iPad: discover the advantage to take your project to the construction site, always in your pocket!

iDrawlix 2k18


iDrawlix® 2k18 comes on Apple Mac App Store for FREE but, as basic APP, offers just few capabilities. Within the basic APP, you can only access to the Playground features for the Horseshoe Cross Section. 

iDrawlix® 2k18 is delivered in auto-renewable subscription packs.

Starting from the new version of iDrawlix® 2k18 2.0, 

iDrawlix® 2k18 is FREE for ALL!

Within the Shop Menu of iDrawlix® 2k18 you can select to subscribe to the Annual Large Cube Pack, which allows FULL access to all the capabilities of iDrawlix® 2k18 


Before the Free Trial expiration, Unsubscribe your In App Purchase so that Apple Inc. will not bill you. But if you find iDrawlix® 2k18 fully satisfactory, do nothing and enjoy The Art of Sewering with the most cost effective In App Purchase subscription for iDrawlix®2k18!


User can choose: Monthly auto-renewable Subscriptions or Annually auto-renewable Subscriptions. 

Annual Subscriptions are more cost effective. Monthly Subscriptions, are for those who want to benefit from the huge capabilities of iDrawlix® 2k18 for a shorter period.

Within the same group of Subscriptions, furthermore, you can decide to Upgrade or Downgrade your subscriptions, for example moving from the Medium Annual Pack to the Large Square Annual Pack or vice versa.

You are advised that it is not possible moving automatically from one Subscription group to another, i.e. from Monthly Subscriptions to Annual Subscriptions or vice versa. You should first quit their current Subscription before the expiration period and then Subscribe to a new In App Purchase in the different group.


Within the SMALL EDU Pack, Users can have full access to all Playground functions, for up to Ten different kind of Cross Sections: 

  1. Circular;

  2. Egg Shaped - Old England Style;

  3. Egg Shaped - Modern Style;

  4. Horseshoe (yet available since evaluation trial is expired);

  5. Arch;

  6. Box;

  7. Box with Triangular Bottom;

  8. Box with Circular Bottom;

  9. Trapezoidal;

  10. Compound Trapezoidal.


Full Access to Reports.


See iDrawlix® SMALL EDU and The Playground concept for any further informations.


Within SMALL PRO Pack, Users can do everything they are allowed to do within the SMALL EDU Pack, plus:

- Full access to the Cross Sections Catalogue handling features.


Note that saving Conduits and Channels Catalogues in an increasing order of cross-sections, proceeding downstream to the Waste Water Treatment Plant, will be useful calling the AUTOMATIC RUN MODE of iDrawlix® 2k18: if a given pipe or channel is too small to carry a certain model-calculated discharge rate, the Sewer System Engine of iDrawlix® 2k18 is able to consider all further conduits in the Catalogue until the correct sewer is found.


See iDrawlix® SMALL PRO and The Catalogue concept for any further informations.


Within the MEDIUM Pack, Users can do everything they are allowed to do within the SMALL PRO Pack, plus:

  • Complete Test and Design of any Stormwater, Combined or Sanitary Network of Sewers;

  • Concentration as well as Mass Balance of Sanitary and Stormwater Pollutants for the mean event;

  • Graphic and Tabular defining of Manholes and Conduits;

  • Tabular defining of Drainage Areas;

  • Complete handling of Pump Stations (design not included in any iDrawlix® 2k18 Pack);

  • Complete handling of punctual InFlows of Dry Weather Loads (Quantity and Quality characterized);

  • Complete handling of Combined Sewer Overflows, defined through up four different starting conditions.

  • Full access to iDrawlix® SMALL Reports.

  • Full access to iDrawlix® 2k18 Planimetric Graphic Reports (Georeferenced Bitmaps, Land Use Maps, DEM and Slope Analysis handling not included in the current Pack).


See iDrawlix® 2k18 web page for any further informations.


Within the LARGE Pack, Users can do everything they are allowed to do within the MEDIUM Pack, plus:

  • Full handling of Georeferenced Bitmaps in order to get a complete Spatial Model defining;

  • Graphic handling of Drainage Areas;

  • Full Land Use Maps support.

  • Full access to iDrawlix® 2k18 Planimetric Graphic Reports, including Georeferenced Bitmaps and Land Use Maps (DEM and Slope Analysis handling is still not included in the current Pack).

See iDrawlix® 2k18 web page for any further informations.

LARGE Square Pack

Within the LARGE Square Pack, Users can do everything they are allowed to do within the LARGE Pack, plus:

  • Generation of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for the Spatial Model, starting from any imported CSV set of 3D Points;

  • Handling of DEMs, including automatic elevation of Manholes as well as Conduit's Crowns and Inverts;

  • Slope Analysis;

  • Network Longitudinal Layout Defining;

  • Full access to iDrawlix® 2k18 Planimetric Graphic Reports, including Georeferenced Bitmaps, Land Use Maps, DEM and Slope Analysis;

  • Full access to iDrawlix® 2k18 Longitudinal Profile Graphic Reports.

See iDrawlix® 2k18 web page for any further informations.

LARGE Cube Pack

Within the LARGE Cube Pack, Users can do everything they are allowed to do within the LARGE Square Pack, plus:

  • Full Import/Export in the ARC/INFO ASCII GRID format of any of Digital Elevation Model and Land Use Layer;

  • Full Export in the DXF format of any Planimetric Report selected from the Print Preview of iDrawlix 2k18;

  • Full Export in the DXF format of any Longitudinal Profile Report selected from the Print Preview of iDrawlix 2k18.

Starting with the iDrawlix® 2k18 2.0, Subscribers of the Annual Large Cube Pack, furthermore, has right to access to the technical tutoring of our highly specialised engineers which will assist iDrawlix® 2k18 Users in their own actual case studies (one real sewer network design a year), showing how to get the best of iDrawlix® 2k18 in the short time settled by contractors.

See iDrawlix® 2k18 web page for any further informations.

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L3. Large Cube Pack

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iDrawlix and iDrawlix Logo are registered ®2017 of ENVISYS Environmental Engineering. 

ENVISYS and the ENVISYS Logo are registered ®2006 of ENVISYS Environmental Engineering.

All rights reserved.

ENVISYS is NOT affiliated with, endorsed, or sponsored by Apple Inc. or any other companies like Microsoft, ESRI or AUTODESK. All trademarks mentioned in iDrawlix APPs, iDrawlix manuals and website are property of their respective owners.

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